- Dr A. Vasudevan (M) MBBS, MD (Paeds), MRCGP, DFFP
- Dr C. Donoghue (F) MBBS
- Dr C. Anderson (F) BSc(HONS), MBChB, MRC
In the above text (M) means Male and (F) means female.
Doctors in Training
Longton Hall Surgery is an approved Keele University School of Medicine approved teaching Practice.
This means that students Doctors will be regularly working at the practice. In order to help them complete their training and become the Doctors of the future; you may be asked to see a student. Please note that this is at your discretion and it is not instead of your original appointment with one of our usual Doctors; it will be “as well as”.
Please speak to a member of staff if you have any questions or queries.
Advanced Practitioners
- Debbie Cheadle
- Clare Yates
- Alan Bradley
Practice Nurses
- Nicola Podmore (lead nurse)
- Gail Dodd
Health Care Assistants
- Clare Davies
- Donna Duffy
Practice Management
Practice Manager and Managing Partner
Mike Sheldon
Mike, along with the Doctors, is responsible for the development of the Practice for the benefit of our patients. He is also responsible for staff management, dealing with general enquiries and problems or complaints.
Assistant Practice Manager
Marie Leese
Administration and Reception
Administration Team
- Vicky Keen Senior Administrator
- Nicola Carrier Administrator
- Maxine Chell Administrator
- Mandy Shaw Administrator
- Diane Thompson Secretary
Reception Team
Kate Brannan
Senior Receptionist
Carolyn Jenkinson, Deborah Sproston, Sarah Bradshaw, Michelle Ryder, Jayne weatherall, Oliver Holloway and Stephanie Lander